Saturday, January 23, 2010

I'm officially sick of being home. So sick I feel sick. Cooped up in the house all day makes me brain want to explode. I meant to write my brain... but it sounds piratie and I sort of like that. Anyways- gave Liam a bath today.. and when I put him down on the towel he grabbed onto the paper towel holder and would NOT let go. I couldn't even pry his little hands open. He could pick it up. He is too strong for his own good. Then he continued to drag the paper towel holder while I tried to pull him away. WHAT'A GUY!!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I hate how every morning that I make myself a coffee... I consistently hold my cup as close to the sugar jar as possible with intentions not to spill it on the table. Never fails that I do. No matter how close it is. It's not as if I am putting in loads of sugar to have the odds more likely to spill. It's simply one. How annoying.

I love liam.